January 3

After 300,000 Crimes Against Women Delhi Police are to Provide Self Defence Training to Women


Dheli Police Chief BS Bassi
Dheli Police Chief BS Bassi


In a move that may surprise many the Dehli Police have come forward and stated during a press conference that there needs to be self defence training for women and has even asked the public for ideas. Click here to see the press conference and source of this information.

However this comes as no shock given it is one among many essential steps essential in reducing what has become a growing problem for Dehli and according to Reuters the issues are getting worse

“Delhi (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Reports of crimes against women in India such as rape, dowry deaths, abduction and molestation increased by 26.7 percent in 2013 compared to the previous year, government statistics showed on Monday.

The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) said there were 309,546 crimes against women reported to the police last year against 244,270 in 2012, with the highest number recorded in Andhra Pradesh.”- source

However the sharp increase in crimes cannot be just considered an increase in attacks against women, there is a likelihood that females are becoming far more confident in the ability of the local law enforcement agencies which is encouraging them to report the crimes. Either way the fact that the police in Dehli are spearheading a campaign of female safety is great news.

Self Defence training for women appears to be a new and emerging concept in Dehli but one of which seems to be required. With companies like Defence Lab, SAFE International and FAST Defence already well established in the UK and across the globe, is it time for them to expand to Dehli to help with the community training need or should it be down to the local police?

FAST Defence- Ladies Fight back course
FAST Defence- Ladies Fight back course

What are your thoughts?




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