September 19

Combat Fighter Review: Is It Worth Buying?


As a seasoned self-defence product purchaser and also a Martial Artist, I am offered products all the time via ads.

However, more recently, one caught my eye, and I took the plunge and purchased. That product was called Combat Fighter.

And in this article, I am going to give you my review.

Ready? Let's do this.

What Is Combat Fighter?

Combat Fighter is an online self-protection course which teaches you skills to keep yourself safe in a physical altercation.

The teachers I have never come across before but have a background in Martial Arts, and police/ military work and they look the part.

This is always a good sign because we see so many martial arts courses where the instructor looks like he couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag.

However, the instructors in Combat Fighter are definitely in great shape and look like they could handle themselves.

The course comprises of 3 x free e books that cover self-defence and survival along with a video course that consists of 27 videos that last anything from 1 minute to 5 minutes long.

So, for the price, there is a lot of content provided.

Is Combat Fighter Any Good? is actually, excellent.

And yes, this shocked me.

The sales page for Combat Fighter is quite let us say 'full-on'. 

There is no doubt that the target audience for the product is people looking to learn how to fight quickly and effectively, and I am happy to report that the product does just that.

I will talk about content shortly, but I wanted to add that this course is low on video quality.

The sound is average, and there is just one camera angle, and the lighting is poor.

But if I am honest, that doesn't really matter because you are getting precisely what the sales page describes.

A street fighting system of self-defence.

What Does Combat Fighter Cover?

The 27 videos might be short, but you actually get quite a lot of content, it is just that there is zero fluff in the product.

The cover everything from stance, blocking, footwork, takedowns, clinch work, strikes and some very nasty ocular techniques.

Now, what I liked about this course is that I didn't see anything that wouldn't work in a real-life encounter, and that is indeed a rare thing.

It is 100% fully functional self-defence, and I have to say very much aligned with how I teach and protect myself.

I also loved that a lot of what is taught is actually strategies and tips rather than just techniques, and you can tell the instructor is clearly experienced. 

Why You Should Purchase Combat Fighter

As Martial Artists, we see so much fluff out there online and it is tough to know what works in a street fight.

As someone who has been involved in a wide range of personal safety situations in a 17-year law enforcement career, I know what works in real life and what doesn't.

And this is what you get with Combat Fighter.

So who does Combat Fighter help?

Well, any martial artists for starters.

You will get a modified version of Martial Arts that gives you all the tools you need to deal with an attacker quickly.

However, much more than this it will be great for anyone that is looking to learn how to protect themselves and train at home.

Yes, it is a product that you could play at home and start working on the techniques (the blast striking technique is particularly useful).

The Verdict

You won't be disappointed with Combat Fighter as a purchase.

It is packed with content, short, to the point and has no fluff. The techniques are excellent, and some are incredibly brutal.

You can also download the product to watch on your devices.

Al in all, Combat Fighter is a no-frills self-protection training course that I am happy to recommend.


  • Experienced instructors 
  • High quality techniques
  • zero fluff
  • Downloadable content
  • Free e books
  • Easy to learn


  • Videos aren't HD
  • One camera angle
  • Average sound


Combat Fighter is a rough diamond of a self-defence product. What it lacks in visuals it makes up for in content and the techniques are functional and effective.

Click here to get your copy 

Thanks for reading

Andrew Holland

“Hi there, I am sure you will love any products or recommendations on this page, but just to let you know, if you click on a link or advert we may get some revenue. ”

Andrew Holland


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