July 20

The Complete List of Shotokan Karate Techniques


Shotokan Karate is an established Martial Art. 

And in this post we list out all of the known techniques.

Heisoku Dachi: formal attention stance
Musubi Dachi: informal attention stance, both heels touching and feet at 45° angle
Heiko Dachi: parallel attention stance (e.g. in the kata Kanku Dai)
Hachiji Dachi: outward feet stance
Uchi Hachiji Dachi: inward feet stance; reverse of hachiji Dachi
Iaigoshi Dachi: kneeling stance (e.g. in the kata Enpi)
Fudo Dachi: rooted stance (e.g. in the kata Bassai Dai)
Hangetsu Dachi: half-moon stance (e.g. in the kata Hangetsu)
Kiba Dachi: horse stance/side stance (e.g. in the Tekki katas)
Kokutsu Dachi: back stance (in almost all Shotokan katas; usually first learned in Heian Shodan)
Kosa Dachi: cross-legged stance (e.g. in the kata Heian Yondan)
Neko ashi Dachi: cat stance (e.g. in the kata Bassai Sho)
Mitsurin Dachi: jungle stance
Renoji Dachi: stance in which the feet form the shape of the Japanese katakana “レ” when seen from above, or relaxed stance (e.g. in the kata Kanku Dai)
Teiji Dachi: t-stance
Sanchin Dachi: hourglass stance (e.g. in the kata Sanchin)
Katashi Dachi: crane-like stance (e.g. in the kata Enpi)
Sagi Ashi Dachi: heron stance (e.g. in the kata Jitte)
Gankaku Dachi: crane stance (e.g. in the kata Gankaku)
Tsuru Ashi Dachi: hanging leg stance
zenkutsu Dachi: front stance
yoi Dachi (usually called Yoi): basic stance/Ready position
Yoi Dachi is Heiko Dachi with the hands out in a ready position.
yama Dachi: mountain stance (e.g. in the kata Jitte)
sochin Dachi: high-low blocking rooted stance
Shizen tai: natural stance

koshi gamae: hip preparatory position
manji gamae: "manji (卍)" -shaped preparatory position, one arm raised above and behind the head with the other arm blocking low in front of the body (e.g., in the kata, Heian godan)
manji uke: "manji (卍)"-shaped block
ryoken koshi gamae: double hip preparatory position (e.g. in the kata, Heian sandan)
morote koko gamae: double handed preparatory position (e.g. in the kata, Enpi)

age-uke: rising block
empi uke: elbow block (e.g. in the kata, Heian sandan)
gedan barai: sweeping low block
gedan morote barai: double sweeping low block (usually while going into kiba Dachi)
haiwan uke: square side block (e.g. in the kata, Heian nidan)
gedan juji uke: downward x block
jodan juji uke: upward x block
kaisho age uke: open-palm rising block
kaisho haiwan uke: knife-hand square side block (e.g. in the kata, Heian yondan)
kaisho juji uke: open-palm x block (e.g. in the kata, Heian godan)
kakiwake uke: floating x block (e.g. in the kata, Heian yondan)
morote uke: double forearm block (e.g. in the kata, Heian sandan)
nagashi uke: rising palm sweep block (e.g. in the kata, Tekki shodan)
osae uke: palm block
otoshi uke: dropping forearm block
shuto age uke: rising knife-hand block
shuto gedan barai: knife-hand sweeping low block
shuto uke: knife hand block
shuto mawashi uke (roundhouse block with knife-hand)
soto uke (外受け): outside forearm block
morote sukui uke: scooping block
tate shuto uke: half knife-hand block
Te osae uke: dropping palm block
Uchi ude uke (内腕受け)/ uchi uke (内受け): inside forearm block
Gyako uchi uke: reverse outside mid-level (e.g. in the kata, Heian nidan)
Ude barai: reverse sweeping forearm block
Heo Tsukami: hair grab (e.g. in the kata, Enpi)
Ushiro gedan barai: back low sweeping block (e.g. in the kata, Enpi)
Teisho uke: palm heel block
Chudan soete uke: added hand inside block (e.g. in the kata, Bassai Dai)
Tsuki uke: punching block
Morote Tsukami uke: augmented grabbing/throwing block
Mawashi uke: roundhouse or circle block (e.g. in the kata, Unsu)
Haishu uke: backhand block (e.g. in the kata, Heian godan
Kosa uke (also known as joge uke): cross block (e.g. in the kata, Heian sandan)
Teisho awase uke: hands together block (e.g. in the kata, Gankaku)
Zenwan uke: forearm block
Gedan kaki uke: downward hook block
Joge kaki uke: up & down hook block (e.g. in the kata, Enpi)

Ashikubi Kake Uke: hooking ankle block
Mika Zuki Geri Uke: crescent kick block (e.g. in the kata, Heian sandan)
Nami Ashi, a.k.a. Nami Gaeshi: leg snapping wave block (e.g. in the kata, Tekki shodan)
Sokutei Osae Uke: pressing sole block
Sokuto Osae Uke: pressing footedge block

Age Empi: Rising elbow strike
Age Zuki: Rising Punch
Choku Zuki: Straight punch
Chudan Juki (originally,"tsuki"): Mid-level punch
Empi Uchi: Elbow strike
Gyaku zuki: Reverse punch
Haishu Uchi: Back hand strike
Haito Uchi: Ridge hand strike
Gyaku Haito: Reverse Ridge hand strike
Otoshi Gyaku Haito: Dropping reverse Ridge hand strike
Jodan Haito: Upward Ridge hand strike (e.g. in the kata, Unsu)
Age Heito: Rising Ridge hand strike
Heiko Zuki: Parallel or Double punch
Hasami Zuki: Scissor strike
Hasami Nakadaka Ken: Scissor Middle Finger strike (e.g. in the kata, Chinte)
Jun Zuki or Oi-zuki: Step through punch
Kagi Zuki: Hook punch
Atama Shiri Uchi: Head-Butt strike
Kizami Zuki or Maete: jabbing punch (like a 'jab')
Mae Mawashi Empi Uchi: Augmented side elbow strike (e.g. in the kata, Heian yondan)
Mawashi Empi: Hook elbow strike
Atsuen Empi Uchi: Rolling elbow strike (e.g. in the kata Nijushiho)
Sokumen Zuki: Double side punch (e.g. in the kata, Tekki shodan)
Ippon Ken: One finger Punch/Strike
Nakadaka Ken: Middle finger punch/strike
Nihon Ken: Two finger punch/strike; eye strike (e.g. in the kata, Chinte)
Hiraken: Four knuckle strike
Nukite: Spear-hand strike
Ippon Nukite: 1 finger Spear-hand strike (e.g. in the kata, Unsu)
Nihon Nukite: 2 finger Spear-hand strike
Oi zuki: Stepping punch
Sanbon Zuki: Triple punch (Age zuki, Gyaku Zuki, Choku Zuki)
Shuto Uchi: Knifehand strike
Shuto Yoko Ganmen Uchi (knife-hand strike to head)
Shuto Sakotsu Uchikomi (driving knife-hand to sternum)
Shuto Sakotsu Uchi (knife-hand strike to clavicle)
Shuto Hizo Uchi (knife-hand strike to spleen)
Shuto Jodan Uchi (inside knife-hand to neck)
Sokumen Empi Uchi: Augmented elbow strike (e.g. in the kata, Tekki shodan)
Tate Zuki: Half reverse punch, with a vertical fist
Amuba Tsukami: Arm-Bar hold
Teisho Furi Uchi: Sideways palm-heel strike
Teisho Uchi: Palm-heel strike
Tate Teisho Uchi: Vertical, or Rising palm heel strike
Tettsui: Hammer-fist strike
Tettsui Hasami Uchi: Hammer-fist scissor strike
Tettsui Yoko Uchi (bottom fist strike to side)
Otoshi Uraken: Dropping Backfist in kosa Dachi (e.g. in the kata, Heian yondan)
Uraken Uchi: Backfist strike
Uraken Mawashi Uchi (backfist circular strike to the head)
Uraken Sayu Ganmen Uchi (backfist strike to side)
Uraken Hizo Uchi: backfist strike to spleen
Ushiro Empi Ate: backwards elbow strike
Ura Zuki: Close short punch, with inverted fist, similar in nature to an 'uppercut'
Ushiro Empi: Back elbow strike
Yama Zuki ("mountain punch"): Wide double fisted strike (e.g. in the kata, Bassai dai and Wankan)
Awase Zuki: Narrow double fisted strike
Yoko Empi: Side elbow strike
Yoko Tettsui: Sideways hammer-fist strike (e.g. in the kata, Heian nidan)
Gyaku Age Zuki: Rising reverse punch (e.g. in the kata, Enpi)
Tsukiage: Uppercut (e.g. in the kata, Heian godan)
Kumate: Bear Claw, or Tiger Claw strike
Seiryuto: Ox-Jaw Strike
Heiko Seiryuto: Parallel or double Ox-Jaw Strike (e.g. in the kata, Gojushiho Dai)
Kokuto: crane head strike
Washite: Eagle hand or, eagle claw strike (e.g. in the kata, Gojushiho Sho)
Keito: Chicken head strike
Age Keito: Rising Chicken head strike
Yumi Zuki: Bow drawing strike (e.g. in the kata, Sochin)

Ashi barai: Foot sweep
Fumikomi Geri: Stomp kick
Hiza geri: Knee strike
Kin geri: Kick in the groin, performed like front kick but with the feet
Mae-ashi geri: Front kick with front leg
Mae-ashi mawashi geri: Front roundhouse kick with front leg
Mae geri: Front kick
Mae Hiza geri: Front knee kick
Mae-ren geri: Double front kick (= double mae geri)
Tobi mae geri: Front flying/jump kick
Tobi yoko geri: Jumping side kick
Tobi mawashi geri: Jumping roundhouse kick
Tobi mikazuki geri: Jumping crescent kick
Tobi gyaku mikazuki geri: Jumping reverse crescent
Spin tobi ushiro geri: Jumping spinning back kick
Tobi ushiro kagi geri: Jumping spinning hook kick
Tobi hiza geri: Jumping knee kick
Oi Mae Geri: Lunging rear-leg front kick
Mawashi geri: Round kick
Mawashi hiza geri: Circular knee kick
Mikazuki geri: Crescent kick
Gyaku mikazuki geri: Reverse Crescent kick
Nidan tobi geri: Double jump front kick
Ura mawashi geri or Kagi geri: Upper inside round kick, a.k.a. hook kick
Ushiro geri: Back kick
Ushiro mawashi geri : spinning hook kick
Ushiro kekomi: Back side thrust kick
Otoshi Mawashi Geri: Circular falling kick
Yoko geri keage: Side snap kick
Yoko geri kekomi: Side thrust kick
Yoko tobi geri: Jumping side kick
Ono Geri: Axe Kick
Yoni Tsokia: Ducking leg hook[1]
Ushiro Hiza Geri : back spinning knee strike
Otshi Hiza Geri : circular falling knee strike
Kakato Geri :kick with heels to jaw
Ura kakato geri: upper inside roundhouse heel kick
Otoshi kakato geri: circular falling heel kick to head or spine
Hasu geri: lotus kick, or reverse roundhouse kick
Kakudo geri: Angle kick


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